100 Facts Penguins- Arctic Birds, Cold Climate Wildlife, Educational Projects, Fun Activit

100 Facts Penguins- Arctic Birds, Cold Climate Wildlife, Educational Projects, Fun Activit

B. inggris identify the main ideas of each paragraph!
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•paragraph 3
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identify the main ideas of each paragraph!
•paragraph 1
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•paragraph 1

The main idea= a drought is a shortage of precipitation over a period of time, it happens when there's a disturbance to the water cycle, that will cause drought or a flood

•paragraph 2

The main idea= Air pressure can also cause a drought, Air raise when there is low air pressure at ground level, and the rising air carries water vapor that can make clouds and precipitation. and Air sinks when there is high-level air pressure , if a high-pressure stay for too long it can cause a drought

•paragraph 3

The main idea= Drought can happen temporarily and permanently in some climates. drought cause people without water to drink and grow food
